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What happens after you click send?

Sometimes it is a good thing if “big brother” is watching. Particularly if you are a Membership Director of a private club. Tracking and monitoring emails can make lead generation more productive, predictive and fun to follow up. You’ll spend less time chasing cold prospects and more time closing warm leads.

Just like private clubs should be using Google Analytics to track the behavior of visitors on their club’s website, there are additional tools all private clubs should be using to track email communications. I’m sure we’re not telling you anything you didn’t already know, right? Here’s what you don’t know…utilizing email tracking software is a lot easier than you think and can provide you a distinct advantage to helping sell more memberships.

You know the email that Nordstrom’s sent you last week about their January sales? They’re tracking it. You know the email you got from the local BMW dealer about the 2018 lease specials? Yep, they’re also tracking it. Same with Rolex, Allen Edmonds and almost every other email you receive with a marketing offer.

Using email trackers does not need much of a technical know-how. With all the available email trackers out there (some are free and some you pay for) you can start tracking in seconds. You do not need to learn new programs, or even install other applications to make most of the email tracking software work.

Immediate Notifications of an Opened Email

No matter how hot or cold the lead, one of the most annoying aspects of email communication is that it can, very easily, become one-sided. Send an email and wait. Did they receive it? Did it get lost in their inbox? Did they click on my links? Did they open my attachments?

With email trackers, you can detect the exact time and date an email has been opened as it gives you real-time notification of when, where, and how your emails are being opened. You also get to see how many times recipients have checked your email and if they have forwarded it to their contacts.  This type of information is very powerful and will make you much more productive and successful.

Perfectly Timed Follow-Up

Similarly, if you see a contact opening your email from a desktop device, clicking on the links you sent and viewing a follow up message, you know that you’re currently at the top of their minds. Reaching out to them at that exact moment, when you’re already on their minds, is beneficial for both of you. Your contact will think “wow, that is ironic” and be impressed and persuaded by your timely follow-up and follow-through. Little did they know “big brother” was watching!

Close Membership Sales Faster Than Ever

Imagine if you had sent an electronic membership packet to a prospective member before Christmas, and you just saw that he or she re-opened it today. Do you think it would be a good time to reach back out to them? We do. If a prospect opened that email 12 times, would you consider that a hotter prospect than someone who only opened it once? We do. Email tracking gives your club marketing professional the power to build and maintain relationships in this exceedingly crowded, competitive inbox environment.

Marketing Professionals that are better at email monitoring and overall outreach generate more leads and convert more prospective members than those who do not. Email tracking can make your club’s membership professional better at what they do, and it’s easier than you think. And, quite frankly, who doesn’t like knowing, real time, when someone is paying attention to something that you sent them?


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